February Pilgramage

Friday, February 24, 2017 - 1:13pm

The Shrine staff have been busy preparing to host this Sunday's Pilgramage, February 26, and our guest Archbishop Eusebius J. Beltran and his Secretary, Carol DeVito.   It should be an enjoyable day.  We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Beginning February 27, 2017, Monday through Friday, the office will close during mass from 12:00 to 12:30.

El Santuario personal han ocupado preparando para acoger este Peregrinaje del Domingo 26 de Febrero, y nuestro invitado el Arzobispo Eusebius J. Beltrán, y su secretario, Carol DeVito. Debería ser un día entretenido. Esperamos verte este domingo.
A comienzos de Febrero 27, 2017, de Lunes a Viernes, la oficina cerrará durante la misa de 12:00 a 12:30